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6/08/2023 10:50 am  #1

WWE Chat

Monday's show was better but still a bunch of poo.


6/30/2023 10:39 am  #2

Re: WWE Chat

So boring still.

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12/04/2023 3:21 pm  #3

Re: WWE Chat

WWE still a bad show.

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1/03/2024 11:06 pm  #4

Re: WWE Chat

Still ehh

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4/08/2024 9:07 pm  #5

Re: WWE Chat

Everyone new Cody would win.  Damn shame.  Just wait a few months Cody will be not drawing. 

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5/21/2024 8:53 pm  #6

Re: WWE Chat

Not very good show lately.

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6/26/2024 5:53 pm  #7

Re: WWE Chat

RAW is trying to stay alive with the new gimmick.  Show still sucks.

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10/14/2024 11:04 am  #8

Re: WWE Chat

RAW is now 2 hours.  Do you like that change?

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